Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage

Aug 12 - 7:30 pm - 90 minutes

Price: £11

The live workshop has concluded –

the replay is now available

Self-sabotage is often the thing holding us back and keeping us stuck in a rut. From procrastination to perfectionism, it can manifests in many forms, and most of us are aware of what we're doing but unable to change it.

This session will get to the root of what is driving the behaviour and explore fundamental keys for ending self-sabotage. This will be at a deep, experiential level, not just intellectually understanding it.

The workshop is designed to help you experience a shift during the session and to also have practical things to takeaway. To help you truly end ways of being that no longer serve you, and awaken a new way of being aligned with the life you truly desire.

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