Embodied Transformational Coaching

End self-sabotage

Live the life you desire

This is your moment.

To stop holding yourself back and playing small.

To make a fundamental shift. 

One that affects every area of your life.

That awakens a new way of being.

Aligned with your values, authentic self and truest essence.

The start of embodying the life you desire.

You know you're ready for the next level of expansion. You maybe even have clarity on what that looks and feels like.

But you're in a rut and feel stuck. Things are moving frustratingly slow. Something is holding you back from experiencing all that you know you can.

You maybe even know what it is and what to do. But that doesn't seem to be enough to make a difference. You know it's time for a profound change.

This is where I come in –

hey, I'm Naudia :)

I've been comfortable staying in the background for most of my life. Doing relatively well, but not wanting to take up too much space or make others feel uncomfortable. Without realising it, I was holding myself back and sabotaging my efforts.

Things started shifting 10 years ago when I began following my intuition and becoming aware of my sabotaging habits. Through inner work and investing in myself, I let go of unhelpful conditioned ways of being.

I went from being stuck and burnt out to discovering more of who I really was. I embraced being multi-passionate and adopted a more nomadic lifestyle.

Inspired, I launched a purpose-led business selling bamboo anti-insect sleepwear, We Drifters, and created a course to help you feel more connected with your intuition, Flow with Wisdom.

Along the way, I navigated a spiritual journey inward and was guided to a form of coaching based on evidence-based principles, understanding how we create our realities from the inside out. I also navigated a descent back into my body, awakening the intelligence and wisdom that resides in the core of our being.

I’m now a certified Transformational Coach, on a path of embodying my innate wisdom and my unique expression. Following my joy and calling for holding space for others. Cocoons of transformation – shedding layers and invoking aligned ways of living. I also love using travel as an intentional container for deep inner work, and help others do the same.

If you’re feeling the call deep within, yearning for a new way of being, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be!

What I offer:

A personalised transformational journey

To let go of what no longer serves you and old habitual ways of being.

To gain clarity on what aligns with your true desires.

To allow your inner voice and body's wisdom to guide you to actualising your dreams.

To transform self-sabotage into gateways for self-empowerment.

You'll be held and divinely supported through a process of shedding into a new state of being.

Into the unknown, where anything is possible.

To ultimately learn to trust yourself and your intuition with confidence.

Beyond the mind, on an experiential, embodiment level.

To build resilience to navigate life with ease.

To feel supported from within and take inspired action towards your dreams.

My personalised approach will uncover where you're holding yourself back, dissolve these blocks and help you embodying a new way of living, supported by your own innate wisdom.

What is included:

~ A personalised one-to-one coaching container to meet you wherever you are on your journey ~

~ Choose between 12-weeks (10 sessions) or 16-weeks (16 sessions) with 60-minute video or phone calls ~

~ Support in-between sessions on WhatsApp or email ~

BONUS: Access to Flow with Wisdom, my online course to help you feel more connected with your intuition, worth £444 and integrated into the journey.

I offer free 30-minute calls to explore whether working together would be a good fit, without any pressure to commit to anything.

When you feel more connected with your intuition and learn to trust your innate wisdom, you’ve unlocked the key to navigating life...

You'll have your own guidance system for finding what lights you up and truly inspires you.

You'll feel into what energises and resonates with you more deeply.

You'll uncover your passions and true desires with ease and clarity.

As you learn to follow that guidance, you can flow towards your greatest good and embody your fullest, most authentic expression of life.

How would it feel to tap into your unlimited source of wisdom and power without any doubt?

My coaching approach includes:

Overcoming self-sabotage

From procrastination to perfectionism, self-sabotage manifests in many forms and is often keeping you stuck. My coaching gets to the root and elicits deep insights to shift to a new way of being, from a place of inspiration rather than hard work.

Clarity and direction

Through exploring the nature of your mind and how you experience reality through your body, each session will lead to greater clarity. Ultimately guiding you towards a more fulfilling and directionally aligned life.

Building momentum

By helping you cultivate the mindset, awareness, and embodiment needed to build and sustain flow towards your desires. My approach can empower you to tap into your own innate potential and stay focused on your intentions, navigating obstacles and trusting your path ahead.

Loving, nonjudgmental support

A held space to be deeply understood and witnessed with love. You'll be encouraged to express yourself and your truth freely, without editing yourself and holding back. All of you is welcome and celebrated without judgement, just genuine care and compassion.

Navigating life changes

Whatever your dream, desire, or intention, I'm here to help you navigate the transitions. No topic is off limit, this a space to be all that you are unapologetically.

Shifting from blindspots to brilliance

Together, we'll explore those blindspots that often go unnoticed, bringing them into the light and transforming them into opportunities for growth. This is not about fixing you; it's about uncovering the brilliance that's already within.

Returning to your authentic self

By feeling more connected with your sense of self, your intuition, and wisdom of your body, you'll cultivate more self-awareness to help you live in alignment with your values, aspirations and truest essence. As a result, you'll experience a greater sense of authenticity, fulfilment, and purpose in your life.

Overcoming self-sabotage

From procrastination to perfectionism, self-sabotage manifests in many forms and is often keeping you stuck. My coaching gets to the root and elicits deep insights to shift to a new way of being, from a place of inspiration rather than hard work.

Clarity and direction

Through exploring the nature of your mind and how you experience reality through your body, each session will lead to greater clarity. Ultimately guiding you towards a more fulfilling and directionally aligned life.

Building momentum

By helping you cultivate the mindset, awareness, and embodiment needed to build and sustain flow towards your desires. My approach can empower you to tap into your own innate potential and stay focused on your intentions, navigating obstacles and trusting your path ahead.

Loving, nonjudgmental support

A held space to be deeply understood and witnessed with love. You'll be encouraged to express yourself and your truth freely, without editing yourself and holding back. All of you is welcome and celebrated without judgement, just genuine care and compassion.

Navigating life changes

Whatever your dream, desire, or intention, I'm here to help you navigate the transitions. No topic is off limit, this a space to be all that you are unapologetically.

Shifting from blindspots to brilliance

Together, we'll explore those blindspots that often go unnoticed, bringing them into the light and transforming them into opportunities for growth. This is not about fixing you; it's about uncovering the brilliance that's already within.

Returning to your authentic self

By feeling more connected with your sense of self, your intuition, and wisdom of your body, you'll cultivate more self-awareness to help you live in alignment with your values, aspirations and truest essence. As a result, you'll experience a greater sense of authenticity, fulfilment, and purpose in your life.

Coaching feedback


Working with Naudia is a truly delicious experience. She is so caring and nurturing, and so good at what she does.

In our session together Naudia cut straight to the core and helped me see where I was holding myself back, and where I could change my behaviour to move forward quickly in a way that really served.

Would 100% recommend working with her to connect to your intuition and deeper desires.

She is fabulous in every sense!


My coaching sessions with Naudia have been brilliant, I felt because of her warm and kind approach I was completely relaxed and was able to open up and really benefit from my sessions. It was lovely having someone to talk to and not feel judged in any way.

Where I had blockages Naudia helped me knock them down and move my life on.

If anybody is thinking of having transformational coaching I would highly recommend Naudia.


Naudia helped me to realise the potential I had forgotten and also bring back positivity and new enlightening information and guidance which was nothing like any counselling sessions I have had before. It was new and adaptable to meet my needs and the resources I can utilise in good and bad moments.

I am so grateful to Naudia for helping me see a new way of thinking and for the active and intent listening onto my struggles without judgement or a patronising tone that I have found with previous counsellors.

I definitely recommend Naudia if you are looking for a life coach and I can't wait to see what the future holds!


Naudia provided a safe space from our very first session. I was a little bit nervous on our first session but Naudia has a calm and welcoming non judgemental nature about her to make you feel comfortable. I discovered early on that if I said my bare truth in that moment we really started to get profound moments after each and every session.

Some sessions I started and I really didn’t think I had anything to say but there’s always something to say and something to unravel.

I really do love having sessions with Naudia she’s not just a transformation coach, she’s a spiritual transformational coach – meaning, through my spiritual awaking I’ve felt like I’ve been going mad but Naudia gets these transitions and is spiritual. Nothing is mad talk and she totally gets it.

I would defiantly recommend these sessions to everyone and anyone. 🤍


Showing up to my first coaching session with Naudia, I wasn’t sure how best I wanted to use the session. However within minutes Naudia intuitively and sensitively picked up on points I’d raised, reflecting them back to me, which really helped me create a focus.

Naudia has a real talent for tuning into the feelings and desires that I hadn’t picked up on yet and creates a calm and nurturing environment to allow those parts of me to grow.

I would definitely recommend Naudia for anyone who wants to build a stronger, more intuitive and meaningful connection with themselves and their lives.

Thank you Naudia for holding the space for me!


I've had counselling/therapy before for various things, but always felt as if I was just talking and they were just listening. That helped for a little while as I felt I'd offloaded and could take a breath, but then once that wore off I'd face the same problems and go down the same road of not knowing how to deal with the way it made me feel. This is why I felt my sessions with Naudia were more beneficial than any I'd ever had elsewhere.

When I started with Naudia, I was going through a bit of a rough time in my life and was struggling to deal with the emotions and didn't know how to really cope with it all. Naudia didn't just listen to my problems but gave me solutions that changed my entire mindset and allowed me to improve the way I deal and cope with things long term, not just for the short term until my next session.

I really feel like this is what sets her apart from the rest. If you've ever thought about counselling or are struggling with feelings/emotions, I'd highly recommend booking a session. It completely changed my mentality and made my life that much easier in all areas. I'll always be grateful!

Let go of what's holding you back.

Embrace your true essence.

Live embodied and in tune with your deepest desires.

Let go of what's holding you back.

Embrace your true essence.

Live embodied and in tune with your deepest desires.

The truth about coaching

Coaching is not about advice, it's a journey inward to feel more connected with your intuition and most authentic self, providing clarity, inspiration, and confidence.

The answers you seek are within, but we all have blindspots and sneaky self-sabotaging tendencies that can get in the way of navigating to the source of our innate wisdom.

My approach goes beyond getting you from A to B, it begins with a deep exploration of your inner world to unearth the root of how you create your reality. A holistic approach that goes beyond your thinking mind. To begin making profound shifts that lead to an embodied life aligned with your deepest desires.

This coaching approach is embedded by powerful evidence-based principles that help reveal the truth about who you are and empowers you to thrive. It is also guided by the innate wisdom that resides within all of us, that is sensed through our bodies.

My intention is to help you remember and experience who you really are at a deeper level, to make it easier to embody that truth and flow towards all that you desire.

What makes this approach different

  • Comprehensive

    Traditional coaching often focuses on what you're doing and action plans. This approach begins with exploring your inner world, to uncover why you're doing what you do and how you're creating your reality. This is a deeper, more comprehensive approach that inspires change with ease and joy. It also listens to what is arising within the body and being communicated through your innate wisdom.

  • Personalised

    The sessions can be personalised around your intention and my coaching approach is very intuitive, so naturally ensures that everything is personalised to your needs. There is flexibility to allow sessions to focus on what feels most important and alive, whilst still having an overarching direction to ensure you get the most out of the container.

  • Holistic

    This approach ensures you're supported in whatever area of your life is most important, and it will naturally have a positive ripple effect in all areas of your life. No area is off limits and there is flexibility to change direction to wherever we need to focus our attention on.

  • Lifelong

    Personal growth isn't a destination; it's a lifelong journey. The approach is designed to empower you to continue your journey, being more self aware and tapping into your own intuition and innate wisdom.

  • Wisdom

    What truly sets my coaching and all the work I do apart, is that they are guided by innate wisdom. Wisdom resides within us all, and my coaching will help reflect yours back to you.

Payment options

Pay in full

1 x Instalment of £1,555

Pay in five

5 x Instalments of £333

(£1,665 in total)

Ready to shift to a new reality quicker?

Add more 1:1 personalised coaching with me at the check out

Additional 4 x 1-hour sessions for only £777

Great for longer travels and further integration

Start living the life you truly desire now

Take the first step today.

Apply now or book a free 30-minute session today to explore working together!



Copyright 2024 Naudia